

Eggman11's Blog

First Website Blog!!!

Hey guys Eggman11 here,This is my first blog for Club Pengiun!!
On this blog i will be posting party updates,Cheats, And other awesome stuff like that!
If You want to go on my YouTube channel and subscribe here is the link
and I always i mean ALWAYS sub back!

 Membership Expired =(

In ClubPenguin Saturday my membership expired.  I'm getting a new one soon but I have no idea when.  This is just a short blog so I'm going to stop so check in later for more news!



I Got 100 Subs On YouTube For Eggman11cp!!

A couple days ago on YouTube I, Eggman11, got 100 subs!  I dont know how I got em' because I don't have very good videos!  I will be having a 100 subs party soon and I will give out the information.  And who know so famous penguins will be there!
Well thats all for now!

Party Information!!

Ok guys it's me Eggman11 here today with the party info!! Ok if you do not read this I will announce it on YouTube In a few days
Ok here they Are!!!!

Server: Klondike

Room: Mine shack

Date:  3/27/10

Time:10:00 (Penguin Standard Time

See ya there!